La plateforme collaborative pour les conditions montagnes

  Easy Rider - sortie cascades du 14/01/2020

Auteur : alexandru serban (amateur)

Accès routier : dégagé

Température observée : 1

Enneigement approche : chevilles

Conditions : en condition moyenne

Fréquentation : fréquenté

Descriptif :

Quite thin but possible to climb. Very wet and water running through. Quite easy, 2..2+. Bolted belay on left on three first pitch. Tree belay on the right on exit. Walk to the left on the path for descent. Snow at the top. Photos are from the 12/01 when the ice was more solid. Went back the day after and found it as described.

Dangers objectifs :

Ice fall of climbing under other parties.

Descente :

2 X short abseils or walk to the left on the path


Difficulté : II/3

Dénivelé : 70m

Easy Rider


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