La plateforme collaborative pour les conditions montagnes

  Combe de Laurichard - sortie cascades du 14/01/2023

Auteur : Till Dave (amateur)

Accès routier : dégagé

Température observée : -3 at the car park at 9am

Enneigement approche : mollets

Conditions : en bonne condition

Fréquentation : fréquenté

Descriptif :

Most of the routes from 1 to 6 were in condition and all had people on then no one had been round to unamed gully but it looked like it was there when we poped our head round the corner. Just couldn't face the breaking trail to the foot of it, Took us an hour to walk in from the car park though most of it was calves or less there was a few short sections where we were up to our knees. it was much better going out as more people had headed out Ski touring and compacted a good track.

Dangers objectifs :

None aparf fom other parties kocking bits off.

Descente :

it was much better going out as more people had headed out Ski touring and compacted a good track.


Difficulté : II/3

Dénivelé : 30 à 150mm

Combe de Laurichard


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