La plateforme collaborative pour les conditions montagnes

  La Raie des Fesses - Pic Sans Nom - sortie goulottes du 10/03/2003

Auteur : Gérard (guide)

Conditions : en bonne condition

Fréquentation : peu fréquenté

Descriptif :

yesterday we climbed the Raie des fesses, good conditions, no rock falls, first pitch and "bouchon" pitch in soft snow very difficult to protect and to climb. All the belays are now in pretty good conditions, we put some new nails. Beautiful climb!!!! We used 6 hours for the climb and 2 hours to rappel down, approach with ski, 3 hours in soft snow from Pre de Madame Carle.


Difficulté : V/5

Dénivelé : 450m

La Raie des Fesses - Pic Sans Nom


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